
You never know how far your words will go

Today at Inkwell Inspirations , where I co-blog with the most amazing group of women I've had the privilege to get to know online, we r...

Today at Inkwell Inspirations, where I co-blog with the most amazing group of women I've had the privilege to get to know online, we re-posted one of our self-help posts from our early days. This one post has received 1,500 "hits" since it went up the first time. (Click the button below to read it yourself.)

I'm flabbergasted. Humbled. Cautioned.

Words have power. Supernatural power. Creative and destructive power. And when those words are written down, there's no limit to their reach, not just today or next year, or in our transient lifetime here on earth.

I am reminded today that being a writer, a blogger, even a Twitter/Facebook user is not just a hobby, or a gift, or a way to *try* to remain somewhat sane in an insane world, it's a responsibility to use those words for good.


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