
Sleep chairs & comfort zones...

Post #501. The pressure is on. Just kidding. It has been a looooong weekend. Saturday I rose before dawn (there's something wrong ...

Post #501. The pressure is on.

Just kidding.

It has been a looooong weekend.

Saturday I rose before dawn (there's something wrong with getting up before the sun, IMHO) to haul youngest offspring to the bus for a track meet.

Somewhere between 9 and 10 P.M. I finally, gratefully, crashed in my recliner. Which led me to think designing a sleep chair, wherein one's neck and thoracic spine would be supported regardless of which way one fell over in an exhausted stupor, would be a good entrepreneurial idea. I'm leaving that project up to the mechanically-minded, because I can't figure out how to open the soda boxes in the fridge so the cans don't roll out on my feet.

Anyway. I still hate Sundays.

And I still don't have any leading or direction or guidance from the Spirit of God to go to (or back to) a traditional church, which leads me to believe there's something else He wants me to do. Something outside my comfort zone.


Wouldn't it be nice if God would stay in our comfort zones?

If He wouldn't push us, prod us, and provoke us to take action and follow Him into the unknown, into uncharted territory?

Yeah. That might be nice. But we wouldn't be content. There's a difference between comfortable and content.

What has He asked of YOU lately?

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  1. For some reason I am picturing you and God in matching "sleep chairs" side by side laughing and watching movies together on Sunday mornings! Haha!
    Susie - Recovering Church Lady

  2. Ha ha, Susie! I love it! I think that visual will stay with me all week!


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