Book review
Jeannette Levellie
Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top: A book review (AND CONTEST!)
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Since then, we've traded blog comments, Facebook posts and emails, and I've come to appreciate not just Jeanette's sense of humor and writing ability, but her generous heart and gift for encouragement.
Jeanette's first book, Two Scoops of Grace with Chuckles on Top officially released April 10. I've been reading through it for a couple of weeks, enjoying a "taste" here and there to perk up my day and feed my soul.
Yesterday, while I enjoyed (again) one of my favorite chapters, "From Hair to Eternity" I realized Two Scoops is the ideal devotional to put with my Bible and read frequently. Or put a copy in the bathroom for those rare moments of privacy. And maybe a copy in the car, for waiting out track meets and play practices. I don't think Jeannette intended her book to be a devotional, but it accomplishes all the things a devotional is supposed to accomplish ... with the added benefit of making you laugh out loud!
Life is too serious most of the time. Ministry is almost always too serious. Add in marriage, children, and just being a woman, and we all need more opportunities to chuckle. Two Scoops of Grace is the perfect foil for rising out of the mulligrubs and back into the joy of the Lord!
Life is too serious most of the time. Ministry is almost always too serious. Add in marriage, children, and just being a woman, and we all need more opportunities to chuckle. Two Scoops of Grace is the perfect foil for rising out of the mulligrubs and back into the joy of the Lord!
Available now at: Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas or at: Amazon.
And don't forget the contests and prizes! You have through midnight tonight, April 12, to leave a comment at Jeanette's book release party post to be entered... all you have to do is say what makes you chuckle, or share a clean joke, and leave your email address. Winners will be announced Saturday on the Jeanette's blog.
ONE winner will receive their choice of the following three books:
- Girl in the Gatehouse novel by Julie Klassen
- No Greater Love novel by Kathi Macias;
- Breaking Free Day by Day devotional by Beth Moore
FIVE winners will receive a CHUCKLES candy bar!
(Use TV announcer voice) And that's not all! Jeanette is offering Ten free downloads of Two Scoops of Grace at her download contest here. (Contest ends May 10, 2012)
a $100 gift card of your choice at her gift card contest here!(Contest ends Aug. 14, 2012)
Two Scoops of Grace affords a homey, entertaining peek into Jeanette Levellie's real-life “Survivor” show, and wisdom gained in times of trial. Levellie's forty-plus years as a Christian beset with disasters and thirty-plus years as a pastor's wife provide a springboard to encourage anyone seeking more contentment.Two Scoops of Grace is an inspirational/humorous gift book containing seventy chapters of 650-750 words each, or a total of approximately 50,000 words. Amusing, encouraging, and heart-rending stories of ditzy adventures and hellish nightmares fill the pages. Laugh with the author as she prays for a wife for the lonely new minister and ends up answering her own prayer. Squirm with her as she attempts to answer, “Can preachers have sex on Sundays?” Finally, grow with her as she seeks God's face and some sanity through all the cow pies and chocolate éclairs of life in the real lane.Each chapter begins with a humorous or touching anecdote from her life. The tone is conversational, putting readers at ease. Jeanette weaves Scripture into the body of the chapters, and ends every story with an insight to apply. A special feature to attract readers is the Two Scoops and a Sprinkle section at the conclusion of each chapter. Here Jeanette shares tips for surviving and thriving in everyday, often messy life.Two Scoops of Grace speaks to the average Christian woman or man needing reassurance of a God who is interested in their hectic, often-frustrating life. They need confidence in their value to God and His kingdom. They longs to laugh more, at themselves and their crazy world. The humorous stories and caring suggestions in Two Scoops of Grace offer courage, hope and contentment.