
Monday FAIL on Tuesday night

I just wasn't inspired yesterday. Nothing. Nada. I even tried to put something together. Sometimes (all the time) I forget that my cr...

I just wasn't inspired yesterday. Nothing. Nada.
I even tried to put something together.

Sometimes (all the time) I forget that my creativity, like my willpower (see this excellent series of posts from "The Art of Manliness about willpower) is finite. If I write a couple thousand words worth of local newspaper articles, plus a blog post, my creativity is pretty tapped out unless I make a conscious effort to recharge.

Fiction writing is different than blogging and journalism. When working on a fiction project, it's easy to get lost in the story and (excuse the cliche) go with the flow. When writing newspaper articles, you're locked in to interview quotes and facts you need to be able to back up. Creative writing skills are exercised in the form of segues, intros and conclusions to keep the reader's interest. If your article is about something as enticing as a board meeting, it can create a creative vacuum, a sort of verbal "black hole."

Blog posts are even more challenging, because they have a tendency to be a sort of "upchuck" of whatever is in your brain at the moment. Ew. Sorry for the visual.

That's why themes and memes are helpful (especially ones you didn't come up with yourself ... God bless Patty Wysong). Like the writing prompts you remember from high school English composition, themes and memes give you a place to put pencil to paper, or fingers to keyboard – a starting place for the race to "the end."

And so ... it's Tuesday night. I was "supposed" to post yesterday morning. At least Wednesday is already scheduled.

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