Z is not the end! {an a2z4u and me post}
Tuesday, November 15, 2011Can you believe how swiftly these 26 weeks have flown by? I've met new friends, been ministered to through their words, (hopefully) encouraged them in their journeys, and, perhaps most importantly, kept blogging when I otherwise might have slipped right off the map, so to speak.
Of all of the blessings of participating in Patty Wysong's From A2Z4U & Me meme I've enjoyed, I'd have to say encountering the sweet, sweet spirit of Joanne Sher, the wisdom of Rita Garcia, the grace of Diana Leslie Brandmeyer, the courage of Amy "Sparrow" Wiley, the humor of Rhonda Shrock, the insight of Vonnie Blake, Ginger Solomon's gentle way with the word of God, Barbara Lynn Culler's inspiring photography, Kimberly Russell's roar of faith, Marji Lane's fresh vision, Shelly Ledfors practical application, Laury Hubrich's thoughtfulness, Sara Harricharan's awesome analogies... have I left anyone out?
Wow. Have I been FED spiritually through these posts? Most certainly.
And that is what leads me to my "Z" post... In the Greek alphabet, "zeta" is only the sixth letter... omega is the last. Therefore, I am declaring that "Z" is NOT the end of the From A2Z4U&Me meme.
Why? Because I believe something greater than a "linky" has been created over the past 26 weeks. From this point forward, when I see the name of one of the A2Z participants, I want to find out what's going on with them. I want to interact with them. Someday, maybe, I'll meet them in the flesh, and if not, I'll meet them when we all come together in heaven.
For the past few days I've been praying Jeremiah 29:11, and now I pray that verse over all the new friends I've met through this meme...
"For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." (Amplified)When it comes to the things of the spirit, the connections made between souls, there is no end... we may lose touch, or forget a name, or lose an email address, but the spiritual ties are there, and those are eternal. For that, I am thankful.