
A Valentine FREEBIE

I've been yielding to this urge to make crafty little things for my house. Of course, the absence of anything resembling a craft suppl...

I've been yielding to this urge to make crafty little things for my house. Of course, the absence of anything resembling a craft supply store here limits my options. Fortunately, I've discovered all sorts of fun paper crafts I can make on my computer and print, and new ways to reuse stuff I find lying around the house.

The wreath (it's not my favorite, but it's better than nothing) is made from two packages of paper doilies I found in the clearance bin at the grocery store, hot glued to a wire frame from an old dart board I found in my son's room under his bed. Add in some printed sparrows and hearts cut from a scrap of wrapping paper and I made a wreath! Red doilies would look better, in my opinion, but only white ones were available. Maybe I'll just paint the front door instead...

This (so far) is my piece de resistance (and the freebie I'm sharing with you). Someone sent me an e-mail years ago in which the words from John 3:16 were lined up a certain way, revealing, of all things, the word "VALENTINE" spelled out vertically. It's God's very own Valentine message to us, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

I keep seeing these "subway art" decorations all over the blogosphere, and decided that Valentine's e-mail would be perfect for a project. I adjusted all the fonts and colors to fit a letter-size sheet and printed it out. I had an old frame, used bits of wrapping paper around the edges to fill in the gaps, and TA-DA! It turned out so well (IMHO) I wanted to share it with you!
Clicking link will take you to Scribd.com where you can download the PDF document. Enjoy!
John 316 Valentine Print

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  1. I love your wreath!
    Great blog look too!!
    How cool that John3:16 turns into a VALENTINE!!!

  2. Thank you, Cheryl! No matter how many times I look at it, I'm still amazed that God sent us all a Valentine in John 3:16!

  3. Lovely, lovely, lovely sentiment! I just found your site tonight but I will be sure to use this! I appreciate your generosity!


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