
Be a child again

This weekend, I urge to to recall one thing from your childhood that brought you joy or pleasure, and indulge yourself in that activity....

This weekend, I urge to to recall one thing from your childhood that brought you joy or pleasure, and indulge yourself in that activity.

I'm writing this from within my cardboard fort.

I had my oldest son build a cubicle out of cardboard boxes for me this week, partially for use as my vision board, and partially because I needed to create some semblance of privacy .

My cubicle seems to remind friends and family of the boxes they played in as children. Hubby had a fort made of boxes, my prayer partner remembers a cardboard house, and I have fond memories of a rocket ship my mom created for me.

Should we "outgrow" those things that brought us pleasure as children? The cardboard forts, blowing bubbles, making mud pies? Why would we?

  • Play with dolls (or action figures).
  • Climb the monkey bars or swing on a swingset.
  • Build a fort with blankets.
  • Create costumes and play dress-up.

"Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."  Luke 18:17 NKJV

What will you do?

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  1. MY favorite childhood thing was throwing dirtclods at an imaginary alien enemies who were pinned against a tree with no escape. The scenario was save mankind from this menace and let it be known that Captain Jeff T Kirk of the USS starship enterprise was here to kick some alien tail...

  2. I guess that's one of the benefits of still having small children at home! I do stuff like this on a daily basis. Love it!

  3. Your fort looks like so much fun!!! When I was a kid I had a friend who'd play in my walk-in closet with me. Our game was called float-away and we were on a ship that had floated away and couldn't return to land. Good times!

  4. What a cool fort! I loved playing on our snow-covered brush pile as a kid. My sister and I had "houses" on different sides and we slid and tramped all over it. So much fun!

  5. Jeff, that sounds like you... Now you can kick devil tail. : )

  6. Laura, enjoy it! I wish I had spent more time playing and less time cleaning and fussing!

  7. Georgiana, that sounds like all kinds of fun! I remember making a "ship" on the stairs to the basement! Ah, lost in imagination, such fun!

  8. Jill, that's a wonderful memory! I remember playing with my mini Breyer horses under the sagebrush in the springtime.


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