
The year of the blog

At the beginning of 2010 I made a commitment to myself to blog three days a week. I didn't know learning the blogging process would devo...

At the beginning of 2010 I made a commitment to myself to blog three days a week. I didn't know learning the blogging process would devour most of my writing time. I didn't know I would be blessed with new online friends whose inspired words, comments, and pictures have encouraged, motivated, instructed, and edified me.

Words - written and spoken - are so powerful. I'm honored to share the company of a collection of bloggers who choose to use their words to administer grace to their readers.

Shortly after I started In Truer Ink, author and blogger Jill Kemerer sent me a gift, a blog award. Her words of encouragement and praise ministered to me, and ever since I've been thinking about "paying it forward" to the bloggers who have been such a blessing to me.

I don't know the rules about blog awards. I don't know if there's appropriate protocol that should be followed. What I do know is that the following blogs have been a blessing to me this year spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. Through their words, these bloggers have ministered to me, and because of that, I want to "give honor where honor is due."

The best thing you could do for these bloggers is to check out their blogs, become followers or subscribers, and let them know their labor is a blessing!

2010 Winners of the "Official" Blog O' Blessings Award are... (in no particular order)

Jill Kemerer

Jeanette Levellie
Patti Lacy
Anne Mateer
Georgiana Daniels
Karla Akins
Gina Wellborn
Anita Draper
Susanne Dietze
Susan Johnson
Jennifer Allee
Jennifer Shirk
Jillian Kent
Lisa Karon Richardson
Dina Sleiman

And it goes without saying that I regularly "feed" from Inkwell Inspirations and The Pastor's Wife Speaks!

Seriously, my time is as limited as the next person's, but taking the time to read these blogs is something that feeds my soul. Their words are as valuable to me as any devotional in my library.

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  1. Sweet Niki! And your words have blessed me already, over and over again through 2010. I'm looking forward to more in 2011!

    Merry Christmas--and thank you!

  2. Wow, Niki, I am so honored! Thank you, honey, and your words nourish my soul as well.

    Blessings on your family at this holy time,

  3. What a wonderful Christmas gift! Thank you, Niki! Your dedication to blogging is admirable and I agree that it enhances my life too.

    Have a very Merry Christmas!!

  4. I am one who quietly reads your blog faithfully and, just as you said about the blogs you read -- "taking the time to read [this] blog is something that feeds my soul. [Your] words are as valuable to me as any devotional in my library."

    Thank you so much! I like the way you think and put your faith into words. Your thoughts speak to me often. Much appreciated!
    Elaine King

  5. Aw, Niki, thanks so much for including me in your list. What a blessing. Your words, friendship, and prayers have encouraged me! I've been blessed by your skills and devotion.

    I love the Christmassy look of your blog! So sweet.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful freegan Christmas!

  6. My thanks to all of YOU!!!

    And thank you for popping in to say "hi," Elaine! Your comment made my day!

    Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year to come!


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