National Novel Writing Month
Nora Roberts
The Resistance Within-Part 1
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Thousands of people want to write a book. Thousands more are baffled by the very idea of churning out a whole novel. And doing it in 30 days seems insane. But every year, thousands of people complete manuscripts, with or without the NaNoWriMo challenge to stir up their competitive run-with-the-horses motivation. Nora Roberts creates, on average, five novels a year. Yep, you read that right: FIVE.
Like sheep, we seem to be programmed to move forward, to progress. Sometimes we simply "go with the flow" and run into disaster with the rest of the crowd. Sometimes we cautiously plan and plot our course, only to find ourselves upside down in a ditch or a box of doughnuts halfway to our goal. And while we generally like the end result of steady, consistent progress (think indoor plumbing vs. outhouses, or the interstate highway system vs. the Oregon trail), we hate what we encounter along the way: RESISTANCE.
For centuries human beings have been rising up out of the ashes of destruction, overcoming the worst kinds of situations, and succeeding against all odds. We are designed to overcome and conquer as surely as the Manning brothers were designed to play football. And yet, so often we fail to accomplish the deepest desires of our hearts. Why?
Are we our own worst enemies? Yes, if we don't recognize the resistance within for what it is and annihilate it. If we continue to point fingers and cast blame when in reality that blame should boomerang right back to smack us upside the head, then yes, we have become our own worst enemy.
All week I'll be posting about different kinds of resistance we encounter on the way to reaching our goals, because if we can overcome the resistance, we can conquer the things that hold us back. Check back. You just might discover you've been aiding and abetting the very thing hindering you from seeing your dreams come true.
Note: Clicking on any of the pictures above will take you to the photo's source. Thank you to the photographers who've shared their talents via and