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Stop using Jesus as a quick fix
Sunday, August 11, 2019Mere hours after the latest shootings of American citizens on American soil came the march of Christian memes: Jesus can fix it. We jus...
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Mere hours after the latest shootings of American citizens on American soil came the march of Christian memes: Jesus can fix it. We just need Jesus. If the shooter(s) had Jesus they wouldn't have done this. If we let Jesus back in schools this wouldn't keep happening. (You really think He left? The Jesus I follow is a...
Nine months is not so long
Friday, June 28, 2019July 2 (today... I should be sleeping) marks nine months since you left us; the same amount of time I carried you in my body. I miss you. ...
Friday, June 28, 2019
July 2 (today... I should be sleeping) marks nine months since you left us; the same amount of time I carried you in my body. I miss you. Maybe more now than in those early days following your departure. Then everything was colored by your absence. Now it sneaks up on me... I'll go to share something or...
The Voice Within
Wednesday, June 12, 2019We all live with a voice within that talks to us, whether we want to hear it or not. (If your inner voice is positive and encouraging, thi...
Wednesday, June 12, 2019
We all live with a voice within that talks to us, whether we want to hear it or not. (If your inner voice is positive and encouraging, this post isn't for you. This post is about the negative voices that sabotage us from within.) The voice might be the voice of a parent, a stepparent, a teacher, a...
181 Days
Tuesday, April 02, 2019Six months. Today marked six months since we learned our oldest son died in a single-vehicle car accident. Things I've learned since? ...
Tuesday, April 02, 2019
Six months. Today marked six months since we learned our oldest son died in a single-vehicle car accident. Things I've learned since? His accident was the result of a series of stupid choices. He wasn't stupid. Non-stupid people make stupid choices No one is immune. You, too, might be stupid or make stupid choices depending on the situation....
Emotional Crack-the-Whip
Tuesday, January 29, 2019As an only child, playground games were foreign to me. I clearly remember the first time someone (one of the "cool" kids) aske...
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
As an only child, playground games were foreign to me. I clearly remember the first time someone (one of the "cool" kids) asked me to join in on a game of "crack the whip" during recess. Naive, I joined the end of the line of children holding hands and was told, "don't let go." By the time it...