
Favorite Mythical Creature {30 Day Drawing Challenge}

This one is a tough choice... gnomes or mermaids? I went with mermaids because they are more fun to draw, IMO. This isn't the eat-y...

This one is a tough choice... gnomes or mermaids?
I went with mermaids because they are more fun to draw, IMO.

This isn't the eat-your-face-off kind of mermaid from the last "Pirates of the Caribbean" flick, or the serial killing lure-and-drown-your-victims kind from ship's lore... this is a Darryl Hannah/Tom Hanks "Splash" movie kind of mermaid.

The Bible describes a crystal sea in heaven (Revelation 4:6). I'm hoping there are mermaids in it. Even better, that I could BE a mermaid in heaven for a while. Doesn't that sound like fun?

The other participants: (Check them out!)

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  1. Great choice! Mermaids are awesome. Did you know people have theorized that sailors started talking about mermaids when they mistook manatees? Nice drawing.

  2. Thanks, Don! I have heard that about the manatees. That means our images of mermaids today are entirely too skinny... :)


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